Our Message to You

Thank you for taking the time to get to know our family. We are so excited to let you have a peek at who we are, and what our family is like. You will learn about a shy city boy and a cute county girl and how we have made a life together.

Our story begins more than more than 10 years ago. We met on a blind date. You know how people are always saying, "I will set you up with so and so..." but they never do. Well that is what we thought of when Mike's sister-in-law said it. As it turns out she is not like most people; she actually followed through. When we went out the first time it was a ton of fun, it was like dating an old friend, even though we had never met before. We dated off and on for a couple of months and then we seemed to get busy with college and everything else. We still kept in touch with email, but did not really date for a few months. Then one day, out of the blue, Tawnya called me up and asked me on a date. We started dating again, we spent time together, hiking, snow shoeing, rock climbing, watching movies, all sorts of stuff. We had one experience when we were climbing and the other climbers, who we didn't know, asked us how long we had been married, we said we weren't, we hadn't even kissed yet, but that set us both to thinking on the prospect. A few months later, around New Year's, we got engaged, and then almost 4 months after that we were married. Tawnya was the best thing that ever happened to me, I am sure glad she called me back after all those months. We have been happily married ever since.

Tawnya about Mike...

Mike is an all around good man. He is kind to others and loves to help out. He loves to see others smile. When I feel a little down, he will come up with some song from the radio and replace the lyrics with ridiculously funny words that don't rhyme. He has a great heart and wants people to know they are appreciated and loved. He loves to read, and often comes home from the Library with 4 or 5 books, which he'll promptly finish in a week. Mike loves to be outside. He taught me how to rock climb and took my on my very first snowshoeing adventure. We have a goal of visiting all the state parks in our area. Mike enjoys working with computers. One of his favorite hobbies is origami (paper folding). He has several models memorized; he can make giraffes, dinosaurs, and my favorite bunnies. He usually carries some paper around just in case he sees someone who needs some cheering up.

Mike about Tawnya...

Tawnya is so cute. She likes to learn about our history and where our families came from. After learning that our families were originally from England and Scotland, we have been immersed in all things English and Scottish; we have an English party every year, where we dress up, have English cuisine, and play fun games. We go to Celtic festivals, concerts, and the Scottish Highland games. Tawnya also is learning to play the bagpipes. She is able to do anything she puts her mind too. Currently she works part time, but is looking forward to her dream job of staying home with the "little nipper." She enjoys being in the great outdoors; annual trips to Arches, Goblin Valley, and the Tetons are the best.

About the two of us, both of us, together

We love exploring, especially outdoors places, or anyplace new. We love to hike, snowshoe, and camp. Camping is one of our favorite things to do together. We have braved some cold nights and days of intense heat, and we still can’t seem to get enough of it. When we aren’t outside camping and playing, we like to watch movies together or one of our favorite TV shows. Videos games are a blast too. Our current favorites are the Star Wars Legos video games. Mike and I both love books; when we visit someplace new, we’re always looking for a fun new bookshop to check out. Overall we love hanging out with each other. Nothing beats spending time with your best friend.

We have been married many years, and finally, we are ready to expand our family. We have enjoyed spending time with nieces, nephews, and friends, but now it is time to build our own family. We are excited by the prospect of adopting children and it is our greatest desire to build a strong and loving family. We can not imagine how you must feel as you consider your options for your child. Know that we are always thinking of you and your struggles. Should you decide to place with us we want you to know that we are glad to share pictures, letters, and email with you so that you will know how everything is going before and after placement. We will ensure that as the child grows, they will know where they came from and how much their birth mom cares for them. They will learn what adoption is and why it is so important, particularly to them and our family.

We are so grateful that you are looking at all of your options as you make a plan for your child. Please get to know us better by checking out our pictures. We will also write about life's adventures on our blog. Thank you for all you do, we are praying for you and your child always.

Mike and Tawnya

Who are we...