A while ago, we heard an advertisement about Yellowstone Bear World and the option of feeding a baby bear. We added it to our bucket list and off we went.
This place was totally amazing. I almost succumbed to cute overload when I saw the baby bears though. They are just too cute!! The park had all sorts of fun. Grown bears, buffalo, elk, deer, wolves, and petting zoo. They had a curator tour as well where you could ride in a tall truck and feed the grown bears too. I know it sounds a bit like and a paid endorsement, but we really had a good time.
However, this was the coolest part of all: Feeding a baby bear! How awesome is that! The trainers (red shirts) were very helpful and had lots of fun facts to share. They also showed us some of their scars on the arms and legs that reminds everyone, bears don't make great pets. The whole thing was pretty sweet and we loved it.